Saturday, February 18, 2012

Waiting Stage

     Today I found something in the mail. A postcard! It's not an acceptance letter yet from the magazine, but a note to let me know my manuscript is being reviewed. Whew! That's a good sign. I'm so relieved to receive a postcard from them and not my self-addressed envelope with my manuscript inside.
     Let's see how long it will take. Meanwhile, I'm crossing my fingers. :-)


  1. Ah, so here's the other blog of yours. :) Pray tell, what is the manuscript you are submitting? Wish you much luck (I'm having my fingers crossed for you as well), Christine! :)

  2. Hi, Kathy! I just read this now. I already got some good news from the science editor, but I'll be posting it only when I've received a formal letter from them. Thanks for wishing me luck!
